Crackhers anniversary

3 hari setelah hari perayaan anniversary crackhers yang bertempat di cafe Dzaki Makassar, akhirnya ini merupakan kali pertama bagi crackhers ngadain acara dan kita sangat bersyukur acara ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar yah walaupun ada hambatan sedikit namun semua teman teman crackhers sangat berantusiasi dalam acara ini..

banyak pengunjung yang hadir mulai dari anak - anak , remaja, sahabat, teman dekat bahkan orang tuapun ikut hadir dalam acara ini, spesialnya kita kedatangan teman teman dari "Stalking walking" "panaicera"  "inisscads" dan lain - lain.  

oiya kalau mau lihat moment yang lebih banyak ada di gallery kok 

"terima kasih atas kerja sama kalian smua, tanpa kalian tak akan ada kesuksesan dalam acara kemarin" ujar ketua panitia Chandra dwi putra
doanya yaa semoga dengan perayaan anniversary crackhers ini merupakan titik awal untuk menuju ke depan yang lebih baik deh :')  

tunggu kegiatan crackhers selanjutnya yahhh


It's All About Friendship

Hey you guys We proudly present “CRACKHERS BAZART”  come and join us

Actually, This is our Anniversary. but we just thinkin' to made somethin' bigger, different, special and fun, ofcourse! so we just thinkin' to made a "bazart".
so you can join us, got a lot of fun together. eating, take a picture, singin' and many more. it would be so much fun!

well, this is our first time to made a bazart hahahah. learn many different thing. new experience. so just come in and h'v a crazy time together.

So if you want to join us , just comin'!


Our bazart have a lil bit crazy different things. we've deserve you a.. movie!

Whats that movie? hahaha
So just comin' dude:p

Are you lost ?
Use this map to find us!
See ya<3!


Our shit bitches going to be a super star.

As you guys know, Iin Nur Indah Sahib. yes that scolioser girl in X Factor Indonesia. She is our best friend, part of crazy crackhers. and she made it! her magical voice change people, in loved with her and change anything. she made it real. such a strong girl who inspired so many damn people. "weakness never stop her to catch her dream". so, we just wanna share you the song. Ilusia Girls!

ILUSIA GIRLS - Imposibble
ILUSA GIRLS - Satu satunya cinta
ILUSA GIRLS - Stayin ' alive
ILUSIA GIRLS - Everything i do

Happy Birthday to You Our Shitness Fashion Killer, Djuan Herman!

Today it's your birthday baby! cracky kid fashion addicted who was born in Makassar, March 17th 1993.

So this is our fuckin' surprize foya!
and it would be a great party with Inis! she'll comin' yeah!

First shooking party starting at 01.00 am.  in Our Princess Vintage, Asty home. We made a princess party for him. Hahahaha because, its just attend by cracky girls. how sweet hahahahaha!

And the second suck party starting at 20:00 pm at HIS OWN HOUSE hahahaha. lil bit wild party, always crazy as usually and so much fun!

and.... tomorrow his just deserve a surprize party again in his campus!!!!! what a lucky kid. so many people loved him. Crazy kid!

and then, when he going home after that, he just deserve one more fuckin' surprize from his photographs friend. god damn, what a lovely day! cakes, candle lights, make wish again and again baby!

well, thats enough. this is our lil gift! ones again baby, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We Love ya and Forever Young!


Shake Shake that Fuckin' Harlem Shake.

OMG! HAHAHAHAHA we just did it baby. this our Stupid Crazy Harlem Shake. 

Enjoy :